Monday, 21 October 2013

Final Idea


A mother’s child passes away due to cot death and this causes the mother to fall into deep obsession with other people's young, innocent children. This leads to her undertaking ungodly actions towards them. Is your child safe?

Reason Why We Chose This Idea.

The reason we chose this is because with the audience feedback, it received the most positive feedback and the least to improve. For example one person said "It is a great idea as mothers have a connection with their children so it is relatable "Another person said "Its good because it’s simple yet effective and can be achieved as it’s not difficult location and prop wise" This being a main reason we chose it as all other ideas were said to be difficult location wise. One improvement to the film that was said was "Make the children seem very young and innocent" so we changed an idea to that as before it just said children which doesn't set a clear idea of age as that is from anything below 16, using young innocent children is more effective as it is much more disturbing. We had another idea which got good feedback, the disillusioned family but we did not choose it because as someone said "It hasn't got a clear motive and is difficult to achieve with what we have" So we chose the mother idea as it is achievable, can create a connection and understanding with the audience and people would also go to watch it as every person in my group said if they saw this in the cinema they would go to watch it.

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