Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Evaluation Question 3: What Kind Of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Product and Why?

Independent film distributors, distribute films outside of major studios. Independent film distributors have a lot lower budget than major distributors, such as Warner Bros. They release a wide range of films from short films, documentaries to films in different languages. Independent films are usually shown at film festivals to get the opinions of audiences and critics before being sent off to cinemas.

Vertigo Films

Vertigo films is an example of a independent film distributor, The London based company prides itself on being the forefront for new talent and that is their key production strategy. There are responsible for Street Dance 3D which was the most successful independent DVD of all time. They are also responsible for two classic films in Bronson, The Business and the Football Factory.

Entertainment One
Entertainment One (E-One) is another independent distributor, Entertainment One distribute over many countries such as Canada, USA and the United Kingdom. Entertainment One are responsible for bringing us The Twilight movies, and Insidious. In order to succeed the company keeps long standard relationships with other companies, which the company has been doing since once which has enabled them to be this successful.

I  think out of these two independent movie distributors Vertigo would distribute our film as they deal with a lot of dark subjects on a lot of their films, such as hooliganism and drug trafficking, so they are all dark subjects, so our product is also dark as it deals with a mother losing her child which is also a dark subject so as they have experience with dark subjects in films, they would be good to distribute our film, I feel our film would be successful if it was distributed due to our audience feedback where the females who are our target audience, said that they would watch the film as it relates to them, as they know how it would feel due to the female character losing something she created, they also said that they would watch it as it is creepy so they want to find out  what else happens in the film.           


Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Evaluation Question 4: Who Would Be The Target Audience For Your Media Product?

Age: 18-40
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: All
Interests: Looking after children, coffee with friends.
Music: Pop music.
Job: Full time Mum
The reason the age is 18-40 is due to the fact that because there is a lot of psychological scarring things in our movie, it would not be suitable for under 18s and 18 will also be the age certificate for our movie.
The reason the gender is female is due to our story line being about a mother who has lost her child, we feel that females, particularly mothers will be able to relate to the movie and know the deeper feelings as they know and feel the mother and child relationship so they can really go beyond the movie rather than just what they see. Also due to current affairs with the Madeline McCann case it has a slight link to that so it could have more public interest. As well as that due to our audience feedback the females all said they would watch it due to storyline and being able to relate whereas the males said they probably wouldn't watch it as it is more of a female subject with the loss of a baby.


 The reason we said all ethnicities was because it doesn't matter what culture your from, if you are a female with a child you will understand the mother child connection whether you are white, black or brown, it will appeal to all as everyone understands that deep connection with your child.
The reason we said their interests would be looking after the children and having coffee with friends was due to the fact that it is a very common motherly thing to do as they want to spend as much time with their kids as possible showing a deep connection with them which relates to our movie.
The reason we said she would be into pop music as because it can be very cheesy and mums are often very cheesy with their children so we thought that the cheesiness through pop music will come out in the mothering, showing another connection to our movie that would interest them.

The reason we said the job would be a full time mum as if they are like that then they are spending near enough every moment of the day together with their child which again links to our movie as it shows a very strong bond with the child.

The expectations of the film they would have is that there would be a lot of mind games in the movie that makes the audience think, they will go in knowing they have to watch the whole film to understand what is going on and the reasoning behind it. They will also be expected to be put through the emotional ringer as they watch about someone's child dying and trying to kidnap someone else's, they will expect to get very emotional due to the fact they have that mother child connection which is huge in our film.

The main thing that would attract our target audience would be the fact that it is about a mother and a child. They will feel they can relate as they know what it feels like to have a child. As well as that, another thing that would attract them is that it would make them feel emotional and stereotypically females like emotional films so knowing it would make them feel emotional will also attract them to our film.

If I was designing a poster a key thing I would have on the poster is the main image being the mother squeezing a baby tight so it shows how close the mums relationship is with her child, like she never ever wants to let go, which would attract the target audience as they will feel the connection between them. I would also have Abigail in a fade away font as bits of the text are missing so it feels like the mum is missing something in her life, which she is, her child, Abigail.

Another film my audience would probably watch is Mama. They would watch this as its another movie related to mothers, which would attract the same audience as they are all mothers and can relate to the movie.
I would expect prior to watching the film the audience would already know that they will have to think and it may mess with their mind, I also expect them to know it would be fairly emotional so in knowing this we know that we have to make sure we stick to the codes and conventions of a psychological thriller in order to make sure our film attracts them.